On equality by Hiro-kun.

On Equality By Hiro-kun

Equality sounds really nice on paper everyone should want equality right?

*He gets a sheet of paper and a pair of scissors*

This is what we’re told it’s supposed to be. Every body holding hands together all just the same. Fair and equal and happy. A utopian world where everyone gets along.

It’s so beautiful why wouldn’t anyone want that?  It seems like someone would have to be really terrible to not want everyone to be equal. It would have to be in it for control or power or something.

Wouldn’t you have to be really evil to want to control people like that?

*He shakes his head his ears tostle.*  It’s not good. Not even on paper. Look at the paper people. Are they really happy?

There’s no individuality anymore. No faces. No names. Nothing. There’s nothing at all! They don’t think,they have no names, they have no voice. There’s not even boys and girls anymore. It’s just totally erased everything that makes us unique and special is gone!

Everyone except one. ….. The person holding the scissors.  Who’s going to hold the scissors and decide what the standard is for everyone?

We can’t trust anyone with that kind of power especially not government. The best cookie cutter people for government is slavery.

It’s fine for paper people. *looks at the scissors* If you try it with real people……….  *Drops the sharp object.* ……… *He steps away from it and shudders.*

*He shakes his head* You only get cut and hurt people.  No two people in the world are exactly the same. Everyone is unique and it’s impossible to judge others. It’s not just wrong, it’s impossible!

If you try to stamp people into cookie cutters it’s horrible! It doesn’t give you anything good at all.  *He stands there holding himself, his sad lowly ears he shudders to keep from crying.*

That’s how you get broken people, not better ones.  Too many cuts from too many cutters even with cookies doesn’t give you better cookies. All you get is a deformed wreck.

Humans aren’t supposed to fit in boxes or categories. Every single one is unique. What we really need is more kindness.

Lots of things sound good on paper. But anyone with a heart knows its wrong.






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