don’t be afraid to go after your dreams

People tell you to go after your dreams.

They say “follow your dreams” and you will be successful.


Dreams are fast and difficult to catch, sooner or later you have to wake up.
You live in the REAL world, and in this world dreams alone are not enough. In order to live your dreams, first you have to make them real.

The people who tell you to “follow your dreams” miss one vital component MONEY, and how to INVEST it into your dreams.


If you learn how to create value,and invest, you will never go broke, you will never be hungry, your children will have clothes and food.

The trick is not “follow your dream”. The trick is “how can I make money following my dream”?

Dreams are fine and all but you have to be realistic and realize that like it or not YOU need money in order to live. You get money by selling products or services, or by working for those who do.

This is all well and good, but you also need to create a team of people who also like your dream and want to follow and will support you in it as well.

My dream is to make enough money online so that I can move to Thailand, like Victor pride on did.

How am I achieving it ?

By building a network of people, who can help me to succeed.

This is exactly how you not only become successful, but thrive as well.  You alone can only do so much and you can make a decent living at it.  But if you work for yourself you can never retire by working for yourself by yourself.   To really thrive and never have to work again you need people,and systems in place to get the job done without you there coddling it.


Until next time ———– Seeker.

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