Censorship and political correctness

At what point does censorship and political correctness become dishonesty? What point does it become silence? At what point does it become total passivity? And at what point does it allow others to compromise your freedoms because you’re too afraid to stand up for what’s right?


Censorship and political correctness are a disease that permeates modern society. They prevent good honest men from having a voice.

It’s more important to be honest, than it is to be polite.

This legalistic mentality of society is morally and ethically wrong. The common mindset is “but what if I offend people?”

In modern society you literally cannot breathe without offending someone. You cannot exist without offending someone. Everything you think or say or do is offensive to somebody somewhere.

Somehow,somebody,somewhere will find this very post offensive. And you know what I find it funny in a deeply satisfying way.
If you are the kind of person that would get offended by something as utterly insignificant as a post you randomly find on the internet. Then you should take pride in knowing that your life is good enough that some random post you found online is a big enough concern to have significance in your life.

Just so you know I’m part Scottish:


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